Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Hi bloggers and internet people! I finally have a youtube acount! Its not really mine, its my moms, but she lets me post videos with my new Flip Camcorder. I will post a link to my youtube chanel in the links section. And as you could probrebly see, I made some updates, my links is now called My Amazing.......... Links. Check out the links!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Yo, whats up inter-world! I wanted to make an anoucment to all blogers. Winter is coming soon, and that means, well I know some people celabrate Haunakah, Kwanza, Chirtmas, and so on...... I think like how we celabrated on halloween, to do as much as you can to celabrate the holidays. Any ideas? Well, look on the haloween post and use those ideas (only in a Holiday theme)